The city of Berlin
The beautiful German capital serves as one of the UNCHAIN Living Labs. In Berlin and all German cities, commercial traffic, as the sum of freight traffic and passenger traffic, makes a significant and indispensable contribution to the city and the region. It generates a large part of the noise and air pollution, causes high maintenance costs for the infrastructure, takes up space in flowing and stationary traffic, and represents a focus of traffic safety work. UNCHAIN enables, on the one hand, local learning and the establishment of new processes and structures, which are necessary for a strategy-guided control of commercial transport in the German capital. On the other hand, Berlin is a “front runner” with a politically agreed, legally anchored SULP that is currently being implemented. Technological developments, including new approaches and concepts for vehicles, the increasing digitalisation of processes, and changes in e-commerce purchasing behaviour, accelerate the processes of
change in commercial transport and place intense challenges on those involved. UNCHAIN makes an important contribution to addressing this situation and finding climate-friendly, efficient, city and customer-friendly solutions.
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